Breakfast that cost us around Rm40

Porridge and chow mee

Waiting at MRT (We took the wrong route)

Banner about smoking is Great (This is special for Albert Ding)

Force to take a picture with Renie

Disney Train

Disney Train 2 (Wear Wrong t-shirt, Duh Homer Simpson)

Disney Train station (HK government really spend a lot of money here)

Celebrity Drawing mickey (Wait you guys see me draw Donald Duck)
That From Ah-Gil if i m not wrong (Twins)

Disney Street where they expect you to spend $$

Celebrity Artwork

Monorail around Disney for lazy bump like me

Professor Idiot experiment with some stuff and teasing visitor

Disney Castle, look nice from outside but nothing inside

Don't know why Renie hate this picture. (Merry Go Round)

Even their tissue they need to insert logo

Price for Crystal (all in HK dollar) Just divide by 2 for RM

Supper near my hotel after Disney Trip
Sorry been missing awhile. Kinda lazy and busy with my real life. Enjoy this picture, part 2 will come once i got time to do some minor edit with it.