Erni3 Adventure

Adventure never stop


Being pretty lazy and busy recently. Moved to a new home situated at Bukit Rahman Putra, Sungai Buloh. Will update soon once i get my computer setup. Stay Tune and Happy holidays


About Me

I always describe myself as crazy free spirited person. I always love to have discussion and "Teh tarik" session with fellow acquaintance and friend about current event and politics.Love to travel around and play with computer game. My current passion recently is about bringing the chance for those who would never normally be able to afford it or to find it, to have the opportunity to live a great adventure. This is all about you guys, the young people, and the more of you I meet the more inspired I am. I hope with this blog and support from me, together we are all stronger.

All the picture taken from my Iphone 2g unless stated.