Erni3 Adventure

Adventure never stop


Poster For this Night Marathon

I be heading for marathon this coming Saturday at Putra Jaya, distance = 42km. That like a jog from Petaling to Kuala Lumpur. Highly doubt i could finish 42km by 6h because average it will take me like 10 freaking minute for 1km plus some in-between break.
Most importantly i haven't being properly train for this event. Maybe maximum i jog like 10km per week for the past 3 week. Most important item to bring for this marathon is money, so i could call a cab and fetch me back to the choke point.
Recently i done a blood test and the result that came back ain't that nice. Lot of yellow highlight (sigh), particular my blood. Pretty low in white and red cells. Uric acid and cholesterol high than the average level. Blood sugar level only just barely "pass". Most likely i m those people that won't live pass 60.
Another problem is i don't have a proper running shoe for this event. Just only my Adidas kampung that cost rm6.90 compare to those Nike, Adidas n etc that cost at least rm200 for a decent pair of sneaker.
According to this newspaper article there would be 8000 participant + Renie because she going to fetch me back so its 8001.Anyhow wish me luck and i promise to finish this 42km even it take me 8hours LOL. GamBateh (really hope there a chicken route in-between)


About Me

I always describe myself as crazy free spirited person. I always love to have discussion and "Teh tarik" session with fellow acquaintance and friend about current event and politics.Love to travel around and play with computer game. My current passion recently is about bringing the chance for those who would never normally be able to afford it or to find it, to have the opportunity to live a great adventure. This is all about you guys, the young people, and the more of you I meet the more inspired I am. I hope with this blog and support from me, together we are all stronger.

All the picture taken from my Iphone 2g unless stated.