Erni3 Adventure

Adventure never stop


Beijing welcome you
(picture from but i did edit it)

Four of us will be heading to Beijing the capital of China, after we manage to snap some really cheap ticket that cost us Rm206 per person for return. The downside is we have to wait for more that 1 year before we can head to Beijing. Ticket actually to Tianjin then we would take a bullet train to Beijing (30minutes train ride)
Weather would be around average 13.65c, could possible average low of 7c. Should be a problem for us. Spring is around the corner, my only worry is the desert sand from Gobi dessert blowing toward Beijing.
Been to Beijing two time before this trip but this the first time i be wandering around without a tour guide. I just plain hate those factory visit and time wasting on those useless blood sucking leech factory. Doubt touring Beijing by our self would be hard since Beijing a popular tourist destination and some of us know how to speak mandarin.
Renie will restrain me from turning this trip into a museum tour. So she force me to plan in advance. Definitely i would visit at least 3-4 museum in Beijing, i just love the history and knowing Beijing deeper. Just have to make sure i bring them to Forbidden city, Great Wall and Temple of Heaven. That about it for the UNESCO world heritage site in Beijing that popular.
Visiting Great wall will take at least 1 day, same with forbidden city, Tienanmen square and Temple of heaven. The rest of the 4 days will be my museum tour day. I m so excited and looking forward visiting those. Stay tune for more detail info

For more info on Beijing please visit this link


About Me

I always describe myself as crazy free spirited person. I always love to have discussion and "Teh tarik" session with fellow acquaintance and friend about current event and politics.Love to travel around and play with computer game. My current passion recently is about bringing the chance for those who would never normally be able to afford it or to find it, to have the opportunity to live a great adventure. This is all about you guys, the young people, and the more of you I meet the more inspired I am. I hope with this blog and support from me, together we are all stronger.

All the picture taken from my Iphone 2g unless stated.