Putrajaya building 1

Putrajaya building 2

Smile before the race silly boy

OK heart pounding race starting soon

So crowded even for 42km

After the race, still manage to smile

I m skinny

She finish sooner than me. Young girl Rocks
Before reaching to Putrajaya, have my routine food, Maggi + cornflake. Can't find my power-bar guess its hidden once i move my house. So crowded and everyone look fit compare to those chubby KL people. Saw load of African runner, guess what the first prize is Rm20k that a lot of money for them.
Start the race quick well, i m chasing the pack but definitely not last even tho nearly. First 15minutes of my run, nature call . To much H20 before the run definitely, find a hidden spot and done my job. After pissing, i m the last runner for this 42km. Holy hell how demoralizing, won't see myself in this position. That like 5km only, but i promise myself i won't quit.
This is the worst thing i have done in my life. After 30km i fell like hell have unleash, feet so freaking sore, thigh cramp like crazy even my toe won't escape the rage. Lucky some foreign runner helped me out. He an Angel send from heaven. Last 5km like taking every ounce of my energy.
Manage to finish the race withing 5hours. That a achievement itself by finishing it but withing 5 hours, WOW that a miracle. I m happy but only after 1 week later when all my muscle ache recover. Can't walk properly for the first 2 days after then run.
Ok when the next marathon.... =D